Life at RGUKT
mentioned earlier, RGUKT is a fully residential environment. This is
necessary because most of the rural students come from a geographically
distributed wide area and would not be able to commute to the campus.
Thus, it is essential to provide a fully residential campus with all of
the facilities included such as a shops, hospitals, bank, laundry,
barbershops, etc. appropriate for a community of about 20,000 people
consisting of 12,000 students, 3000 faculty and staff and 5000 service
providers of various types. The Director of the Institute also becomes
the pseudo-Mayor of this township dealing with the typical problems of
community based living. Since the students are joining the institution
at the age of 15 where they are undergoing physical transformation and
hormonal changes, being away from home adds to their stress. The local
Health Clinic must provide for Psychological Counseling and support.
rural households tend to be poor and many of the factors of daily
living that we take for granted are not always known, such as using a
sit-down toilet as opposed to a squatting toilet and significant
additional personal education will be needed to facilitate the
integration into the larger community.
Extra-curricular activities in RGUKTShopping center
cater to the needs of students, there is a general store, a canteen, a
salon and a beauty parlor in every hostel. Students can make use of
these services at a reasonable price.
goal is to give students a well-rounded education and doesn’t stop with
just giving students an education in the Sciences and Engineering.
Students are encouraged to get involved in arts, music, drama, debate,
paintings and other elated skills. At this point, there is no full time
faculty for these disciplines but it is anticipated to hire full time
faculty and visiting faculty also.
Soft Skills and Edutainment
an evening break consisting of sports and dinner, students are expected
to go back to the classes for a wide range of activities involving soft
skills and edutainment. These sessions are normally supposed to happen
from 7:30PM to 10:30PM.
students have access to audio books of classics, both Western and
Indian. The Western Classics might include books by Mark Twain, Walter
Scott, Dickens and the Indian classics might include the Autobiography
of Mahatma Gandhi. Each paragraph in each book is hyperlinked to an
audio rendering of that paragraph so that a student can listen to a
native speaker reading the paragraph with proper pronunciation and
intonation. Thus, as well as reading the classics, the student is also
able to learn how certain proper names are pronounced such as San
Joaquin Valley. The students also learn how to do touch typing, prepare
and participate in debating clubs and read newspapers online. Those
students that are taking the remedial classes will miss some of these
activities but it is expected that they will have plenty of time to
catch up.
Health and Safety:
provides its students and staff all the necessary medical facilities. A
medical center with the required facilities is under construction and
is anticipated to be operational soon. The center will have 30 beds and 3
- Parents are allowed to meet their children only on Sundays.
- Relatives of students are not entertained unless they are accompanied by the students’ parent(s).
- Parents need to make an appointment to meet their children.
- When students want to go out of campus to their home towns, parents are required to come and pick them up.
- Cell phones are not allowed to be used on campus. Students can use their cell phones in their rooms alone. If one is found to be using a cell phone on campus, it will be confiscated immediately.
- No food from outside is allowed in the hostel. Parents are not supposed to bring snacks or food of any kind for their children.
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